February 13, 2011

Unworthy of Witty Title

I've been wanting to blog lately, but I didn't have a starting point. I still don't, but I'm gonna write it anyway.

I'm still waiting to hear about graduate assistantships at Northern Arizona university, and still waiting to hear anything from the University of New Mexico. The GA-ship will probably make or break my decision to attend grad school this fall, so I hope the stars align carefully.

I'm still volunteering with the Lincoln Literacy Council. My student is teaching me a lot about English and about composition. We are working on a short fiction story that she began writing last year. We meet on Friday mornings to discuss definitions and connotations of words and phrases in her writing. I look forward to our meetings because it's fun to explore language from another point of view. Last week, we wore out "to accommodate" in a very satisfying comparison of many definitions, examples and non-examples.

I'm still working at Licorice International part-time. It is a wonderful part-time job, but part-time is no longer enough for me. My search for full-time employment continues into its second month. I have grown accustomed to the online application now preferred by most employers, my dress pants have been worn to several interviews lately, and yet, my cell phone remains still and quiet. No job offers. The passive rejection weighs on my fragile heart. A college degree, I thought, was the ticket to happiness. Or at least to minimal job-related confusion.

In the midst of my applying and waiting phase, I'm working on a new relationship. Love and geography have always created problems for me, but my jet-lagged heart hasn't given up yet.

This may be the least fun post I've ever done. Probably has to do with the current time: Saturday night, 11:45; and location: under the covers. When I think of something to write about (or get out of bed and do something worth reporting), you'll be the first to read it. I promise.


  1. Miss. You. I think truly the hardest part of life is that time right after college. But things do sort themselves out, externally and in matters of the heart. Did I mention...miss...you.

  2. Aw Jena, things will happen for you..and for me..gotta have faith..the limp bizkit remix version.
